Doubt the Drought

Emerging Blueberries-06122023
Doubt the Drought

The blueberries are on their way. Normally, that wouldn't be big news, but this year's spring drought has been brutal. According to the NOAA, last month was the 5th driest May on record in 129 years here in Allegan County. That's enough to make any battle-hardened farmer almost cry. Especially if they don't irrigate their crops. But North Sky's blueberries are also battle-hardened: because they've never been irrigated, they've been through this before and are doing just fine. I took this picture Monday, showing their progression from green to white, pink, and soon purple. Blue is next. RSVP to come pick with us on Saturday, July 29!

PS: Word of the day: "dwy." It means a sudden storm or shower. So it's not dry when there's been a dwy. (But pronounced "dway"). More dwies would be welcome around here.